
Roasted Cauliflower with Chicken


2 lrg cauliflower heads

3-4 tablespoons of olive oil

2 teaspoons of salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

5 chicken breasts



-Preheat oven to 400 degrees

-Place chicken in a shallow dish with a little bit of broth or water, cover with foil and bake for 25 mins.

-While chicken is baking, rinse cauliflower and cut into quarters. Cut off and discard leaves and cores. Then cut quarters into 1/4-1/2 inch thick wedges.

-In a large bowl or sealable plastic bag, mix together cauliflower slices, olive oil, salt and pepper.

-Spread in a single layer on a pan covered with a piece of foil.

-Once chicken hits the 25 min mark, flip chicken and place cauliflower pan in oven as well, so that they both cook for 20-25 mins.

Turn cauliflower approx every 10 mins until it is browned and tender.

*can remove foil on chicken for last 10 mins. Chicken will cook for approx 40-45 mins depending on size. Please ensure internal temp reaches 165 degrees to prevent food poisoning. Can season or dress up chicken to personal preference.

*if available to you, garlic and/or Rosemary would be an excellent addition to this meal! Fresh lemon juice would also be delicious!

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